Tom's Silent Cartoon Repository
Tom's Mission
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Hi, my name is Tom Stathes. I've been an animation enthusiast for over a decade and became interested in silent animation early on. In recent years I've begun collecting animation on 8mm and 16mm film and this hobby has yielded ample footage of historical significance and rarity.

Collecting film, in my opinion, is much more gratifying than collecting on other formats whether it be analog tape or digital video. It is often successful based on luck, and also requires the cooperation of individuals who have films in their possession who have no interest in them. This site is an attempt to "get the word out" and help my cause further. Please read "Tom's Mission" to learn more!

People shouting at the world over megaphones; Size=240 pixels wide

What's New?

Here I will add news alerts and new findings when appropriate.

Assisting my cause is greatly appreciated!

Always Seeking Silent Animation!